Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ways to achieve the objectives of business communication

Ways to achieve the objectives of business communication

Hello dear friends here you will get Ways to achieve the objectives of business communication, Way to achieve Business communication, Ways to achieve business communication objectives, Business communication objectives way to achieve, Objectives of communication in business.

Business communication has many objectives. Among them most important objectives are to increase the efficiency of the managers, to develop harmonious relations, to remove misunderstanding and distrust to perform managerial functions etc. to achieve these objectives certain steps should be undertaken which can be discussed in the following ways: Ways to achieve the objectives of business communication.

1. Generating and analyzing the ideas: The primary duty of the communicator is to generate specific idea about the communication. The next duty of the communicator is to analyze the idea carefully; otherwise communication will not be effective.

2. Communication planning: To achieve the objective of the communication it is necessary to prepare a plan before communicating. Communication plan will include time, cost, media and probable response of the receiver of the message of communication.

3. Increase of communication skill: Skill of communication personnel is an important factor for effective communication. Managers should give special attention for the development of communication skill.

4. Selecting proper media: To achieve the objective of the communication, it is essential to select suitable media for communication. If wrong type of media is selected, it will not be possible to achieve the objective of communication. Ways to achieve the objectives of business communication.
5. Time consideration: Proper time should be selected for communicating. The proverb, “A stitch in time saves nine.”- is applicable for communication also. If right time is selected for communication, achievement of objective becomes easier.

6. Consideration of receiver’s reaction: The communication should consider the receiver’s reaction while attempting to communicate. If communicator considers the attitude, temperament and stress of the receiver, communication becomes effective.

7. Feedback: For achieving the objective of communication, emphasis should be given to feedback. Communicator should seek feedback from the receiver. Feedback completes the communication process. As a result, objective is achieved.

Ways to achieve the objectives of business communication

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