Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What are the common problems or mistakes of a resume?

What are the common problems or mistakes of a resume?

Here you will get The common problems or mistakes of resume are as follows:

1. Poor presentation: Sometimes printing of resume is not good enough and overall presentation fails to meet the desired standards.

2. Too long: Resume should not be too long. Irrelevant matters should be avoided.

 3. Spelling mistakes: Another common problem found in different resume is spelling mistakes.

4. Unclear carrier objective: Some applicants also failed to identify their carrier objectives.

5. Over confidence: A tone of confidence is very good but over confident tone is treated as opposing and negatively evaluated.

6. False statement: Producing false statement in the resume is another mistake done by some candidates.

7. Wrong selection of words: Sometimes candidates use heavy and unfamiliar words to make the resume more attractive but unfortunately use of unfamiliar or informal words create negative impression.

What are the common problems or mistakes of a resume?

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